The beloved and eldest daughter of the Holy Prophet Muhammed (blessings and peace be upon him), Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra’ (salamuLlahi ‘alayha) was born in Mecca before five years of the announcement of her father’s Prophethood. Fatima means protection and safeguard, therefore; she will be a protector for all Muslim women from the Hellfire on the Day of Resurrection. Her title is “Sayyida Nisa’ al-‘Alameen (the leader of the women of all worlds). Her other famous titles are “Batool” and “Zahra”. Batool means devotion because she devoted herself to Allah Almighty for His worship. Zahra means flower because she was a flower of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and all beautiful flowers—Imam Hussain, Imam Hassan and Syeda Zaynab (peace be upon them)—descended from her. She loved the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and he loved her more than anyone in the world as He said: “Fatima is a part of me.” (al-Bukhari)
She faced a lot of harshness from Non-Muslims and spent a difficult childhood. She cleaned the Holy Prophet’s back with her small and beautiful hands when enemies threw a camel’s stomach with dripping blood on him while He was offering prayer. She also suffered a lot of pain in the Valley of Abu Talib, when non-Muslims socially boycotted the Holy Prophet’s family with no food or water left behind with them. She suffered all difficulties with tolerance and patience.
She married ‘Ali who was the cousin of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and their nikah was done in the heavens by the commandment of Almighty Allah. She was pure and devoted her whole life for the sake of Islam. She was the most pious lady and was tolerant, generous, God-fearing, spiritual, righteous, humble and courageous. Her personality positively impacted her children. She taught and trained them to devote their lives for Islam. Some of her characteristics which her children inherited are given below:
Characteristics Sayyida Fatima (salamuLlahi ‘alayha) Her influence on her children (especially Karbala Martyrs)
Sayyida Fatima (salamuLlahi ‘alayha) was very pure in her ‘ibada, to worship Allah Almighty. All of her children learnt from her how to become pure and to spend their lives with the purity of love and follow Islam.
Sacrifices In her childhood, she did a lot of sacrifices especially in the valley of Abu Talib and in her young age as well. Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) sacrificed his life and the whole of his family lives at Karbala just for the sake of Allah Almighty and Islam.
Sayyida Aa’isha (may Allah be well pleased with her) narrated: I did not see any person more truthful than Fatima except her Father. (Hilya al-Awliya’) Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) was so truthful. At the time of Karbala when his followers were being tortured, abused, beaten, humiliated and being violated by the enemies, he proved that Islam is right and what is the truth through his sacrifices.
Sayyida Fatima (salamuLlahi ‘alayha) was very pious. She used to spend the whole night in prostration to Allah Almighty and recited the Holy Qur’an the whole day. All of her children learnt piousness from her. Imam Hussain showed that piety in Karbala. He was offering prayer and was in the prostration position when the enemies killed him. And His head was reciting sura al-Kahf on Damascus roads when his head was separated from his body.
She was the most modest lady in the world. She spent her whole life with modesty. Even on the Day of Resurrection, she will go with 70,000 hoorz in the heaven and no one will be able to see her. Her modesty was an influence on her children. Sayyida Zaynab (peace be upon her) had showed that modesty in Karbala. She suffered pain but she did not take off her scarf. She looked after all of the women, their honour and hijab.
She was very generous. She used to give money to the needy and poor. Once her whole family were fasting and they had just dates to eat. When it was time to open the fast, a needy person knocked on the door and asked for food. She gave those dates to him and opened the fast with only water. All of her children were very generous. After karbla when Hazrat Zainab (A.S) went Madina with her family, Hazrat Numaan Bin Basheer treated her very well. She did not have anything at that time except her gold bangles which she gave to him as a reward but he refused to accept them.
She faced many challenges with patience and tolerance. After marriage when she had to do a lot of work, her hands hurt her because of house chores. She told the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and then he asked her to recite a tasbeeh of some special words which would release her pain. She started to read that, which is called Tasbeeh of Fatima. All of her children endured problems with tolerance and patience especially the Karbala martyrs. Enemies killed Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and some of his followers and they took the remaining in the palace of Yazeed, in which Sayyida Zaynab (peace be upon her) was as well. They suffered pain with tolerance and gave the message of Islam with bravery.
Fatima (salamuLlahi ‘alayha) loved the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and Islam more than anyone in the world, which is why when the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) passed away, she was the first person who passed away after him and met him in the heavens. Her children loved the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and Islam like their mother. Because of that pure love they devoted their lives for Islam and for the sake of Allah Almighty in the desert of Karbala.
Sayyida Fatima’s personality is a role model for all Muslim women, especially when becoming a mother. By following in her footsteps will enable us to train our children to become like Imam Hassan, Hussain and Zainab (peace be upon them) and promote Islam all over the world.